The purpose of this project is to create a forge burner using the simplest possible means. As many of the parts as possible should be available from any building materials or plumbing store, and the required tools should not be too specialized. Most likely, welding, an angle grinder, and a drill press will suffice, and you will need a 6mm tap and a 3/8 inch (G) die. All materials come from three sources: Baltic Bolt (washers, nuts, threaded rods), Dunven (plumbing parts), and Metall24 (three-quarter inch 26.9 and one inch 33.7 pipes).
I do not take any responsibility if you build such a burner according to my project descriptions.
There will be three burners in total, but with some differences. Two of them have an adjustable air valve, and one has a sliding pipe-on-pipe mechanism. All of them are very simple to build. Technically, you need to drill a 5.2 mm hole along the threaded rod and thread one end with an M6 thread. The coupling nut should be rounded to a diameter of about 16.5 mm for about 15 mm, where a 3/8 (G) thread for the ball valve will be made. Then weld a half pipe nipple for the cast iron tip to one end of the pipe. The cast iron tip can then be replaced as needed. The other end of the pipe should be prepared for the corresponding gas connection and air intake solution for the burner. Then screw everything together, and the burner is basically ready.
Burner 1
This is probably the most commonly used design by DIY builders. The air valve construction can vary, but in this example, it moves along a thread. The parts needed for this burner construction are:
- Converging adapter 48.3 X 26.9
- Pipe 26.9 x 2.6 length about 200 mm
- Pipe nipple 3/4” (26.9 mm) (half of it)
- Coupling 3/4’’ (26.9)
- Nut M12 (2 pcs)
- Coupling nut M12
- Washer 16 mm (ISO 7093 200HV ZN 16) (2 pcs)
- Threaded rod M12 about 70 mm
- MIG wire guide 0.8
- Flat iron 25mm, 2 pieces about 50 mm each
Burner 2
A small modification to the standard burner, where the transition from smaller to larger is angled. The advantage of this might be that this burner is the easiest to use with forced air supply, which allows for slightly higher temperatures (currently unverified) in the forge. The parts needed for this burner construction are:
- Converging adapter 48.3 X 26.9
- Pipe 26.9×2.6 length about 200 mm
- Pipe nipple 3/4” (26.9 mm) (half of it)
- Steel elbow 90° 26.9 Х 2.6
- Coupling 3/4’’ (26.9)
- Coupling nut M12 (2 pcs)
- Washer 16 mm (ISO 7093 200HV ZN 16)
- Threaded rod M12 about 40 mm (2 pcs)
- Round material 12 about 30 mm
- MIG wire guide 0.8
Burner 3
In this burner, the air intake adjustment is not done with a radially moving valve on a thread but with a sliding pipe mechanism. This solution is still untested by me, but theoretically, it should work. The parts needed for this burner construction are:
• Pipe 26.9×2.6 length about 250 mm
• Pipe 33.7×3.2 length about 100mm
• Pipe nipple 3/4” (26.9 mm) (half of it)
• Coupling 3/4’’ (26.9)
• Wing bolt M8
• Nut M8
• Nut M12
• Washer 16 mm (standard)
• Coupling nut M12
• Threaded rod M12 about 60 mm
• MIG wire guide 0.8
All three burners are currently ready and waiting for testing. There is already an idea for a follow-up project, which is to build a test forge for testing these burners, equipped with sensors to measure both temperature and oxygen content.
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